Tag Archives: mental challenges


Where Are My Keys? 5 Non-Drug Therapies for Memory Care

So much of your daily life depends on your memory skills. Little things such as remembering where your car keys are or where your car is parked are typical functions that most people encounter every day. It’s amazing how much space the brain has for storing memory. However, as you age, your ability to remember things can begin to decline. The great news is that the brain is similar to a muscle and there are exercises you can do to prevent it from having memory gaps. The following are some helpful tips to exercise your brain:

1. Exercise

Physical activity keeps blood flowing to the brain and also produces chemicals that help to protect it. The health of your brain is extremely important for maintaining a good memory and exercise should be a part of your daily plan. Instead of staying indoors and watching TV, go for walk or jog. The outdoor scenery can energize your senses and boost your memory. Since music improves your memory also, put on a headset and play your favorite tunes while you work out. Research has even shown that people who are physically and mentally active have a lesser risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. For those who have a mild case or are at risk for developing the disease, physical activity has been known to delay and even improve symptoms.

2. Socialize

Humans are social creatures that weren’t meant to be alone. Healthy relationships with family and friends can stimulate the brain, especially when laughter is involved. There are a number of ways to stay active and even meet new people by joining a club, volunteering and scheduling time with a favorite friend. Pets can also add value to your life and boost your brain’s ability to think.

3. Get Enough Sleep

The brain stores its long-term memories during the dreaming phase of your sleep and getting at least seven to eight hours of rest is important each night. Sleep also helps keep the memory keen and helps you function properly throughout the day. This is especially helpful for students and individuals that need to utilize their brain for studying and preparing for exams.

4. Eat a Healthy Diet

There are a number of healthy foods that can help enhance your memory. Omega-3 fatty acids, berries, whole grains, eggs, green leafy vegetables, brightly colored fruits and nuts can all speed up the brain to work faster and with efficiency. Eating the foods on a regular basis will also help prevent memory gaps.

5. Mentally Challenge Yourself

Finding mentally challenging tasks can keep your memory in top shape. Playing chess with a friend, putting together a puzzle, reading and cooking meals are important activities that can aid your brain function. For those in an assisted living center, you’ll find a number of activities available to help seniors stay sharp. You can even find continuing education classes for learning a new skill set or to just be computer savvy. If you are searching for a memory care program in an assisted living in Atlanta, then you may find these following non-drug treatments:

  • Reminiscence Therapy uses long-term memories to spawn interaction among the residents which acquaints them with one another and helps their caregivers to know and understand them better. This treatment validates who they are and their accomplishments.
  • Cognitive Stimulation Therapy uses games of association, memory, and concentration in a group setting. This treatment stirs the residents to communicate their memories in story form.
  • Five Sense Therapy explores the new research in physiology that suggests the mind is not in the brain but travels the entire body on convoys of hormones and enzymes, actively making sense of the complex wonder we index as touch, taste, smell, hearing, and vision.

Whether you’re a senior looking to lessen memory gaps, a student studying for a test or someone who just wants to stay mentally on the ball, there are a number of exercises you can do that will help to enhance and sharpen your brain power.

Kelly Dennie enjoys researching and seeking non-drug alternatives for diseases and overall health improvement. Dogwood Forest, an assisted living in Atlanta, has learned that through clinically proven non-drug treatments Alzheimer’s disease can be deferred by an average of six years. Their living environment is built around this medical science break through in the fight against dementia.