3 Simple Ways to Promote Worker Safety in Your Workplace

3 Simple Ways to Promote Worker Safety in Your Workplace

 If you own or manage a business, it’s your responsibility to keep your workers safe. Workers need to be protected when performing any tasks required of them in their workplace. Everybody wants to make sure that no incidents occur that will cause any major damage to their employees and their property.

 It’s fairly simple to ensure your workplace is in the best condition to prevent accidents. Sometimes this involves a simple installation of reliable shelving, or even easier putting up posters that remind employees of the proper protocol around certain areas of the workspace.

Depending on your industry, the safety rules will be different. Specifications are usually available as resources online to businesses. If you need more advanced solutions, it’s a good idea to contact a professional safety advisor or your local occupational health and safety organization.

 Taking the right steps will put your business in the best position to be protected in a situation where accidents may occur. While it’s impossible to guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen in a workplace, there are many things you can do to reduce the risk of harm occurring.

 Here are three simple things you can do to substantially decrease the chances of accidents happenings:

 1.     Prevent slips and falls

 One of the most common occurrences of incidents occurs through slips and falls. While often small and harmless, these are easily avoidable. They can result in larger incidents occurring, depending on the type of industry you work in.

 Keep walk ways and areas of operation free of clutter. In cases of spillage, or where areas are slippery, make sure that employees know the proper protocol. Having accurate signage that reminds workers of the risk in that area can make a huge difference.

 2.     Prevent clutter

 When an area is enclosed with items and cluttered, the chances of injury occuring increases substantially. Employees need space to operate. When they’re working in an enclosed environment, they’re much more likely to hurt themselves or others.

 This hazard can easily be reduces through the installation of proper storage and making sure that employees know where things need to be. Workers should not be having to twist and turn to operate important tasks.

 3.     Control Fire Hazards

 A fire can have really drastic effects on a workplace. It’s one of the worst incidents that can occur. Often workers are dealing with combustible material and there is a danger posed by this. Whether it’s oil, petrol, easily-combustible materials or any other chemicals, fire can be extremely dangerous.

 Ensure you have a proper fire safety plan in place. This involves training of employees on the proper way to deal with fire hazards. It also includes evacuation plans, fire warden training and proper sprinkler systems in the workspace.