5 ways incorporating green technology can lead to a safer workplace

5 ways incorporating green technology can lead to a safer workplace


Green technology is the latest term that has taken the corporate world by storm. According to a survey by Tech Crunch, more than 54 percent of American businesses have started implementing green programs formally.

But ‘going green’ is not just a temporary fad. Research proves that adopting environmentally friendly workplace practices have many advantages. Some of them include lower taxes, energy savings, improved brand image and a better response from the consumers. According to an article published in Business News Daily, customers are more concerned about how products are made rather than just what is being offered. So, taking corporate social responsibility seriously can have positive effects on your company’s bottom line.

Source: http://businessfeed.sunpower.com/business-feed/why-adopt-sustainable-business-practices

Apart from saving you lots of money and improving sales, can green technology actually help you create a safer workplace for your employees? This is a question to ponder upon, as satisfied employees build a successful organization. In fact, happy employees tend to be 12% more active than their counterparts.

Here’s a look at some of the ways how green technology can help you create a better working environment for your employees. Many companies have already taken note and are seeing the payoff!

1- Renewable energy jobs are safer

If your organization is using a renewable energy source rather than fossil fuels, then according to Journal of the American Medical Association, your workers’ health is in safe hands. Workers working in a factory using a renewable energy source will have lower health risks and accidents as compared to fossil fuel industries.

We can’t deny the fact that the energy sector is one of the most dangerous industries for workers to work in. Hence, a transition to green technologies that utilize sources like wind and solar energy can potentially help reduce untimely worker deaths by a huge percentage. Switching to green technologies might seem like an expensive option as compared to the traditionally cheaper fossil fuels, but the “hidden costs” including workers’ overall health should not be taken lightly.

2- Daylight is better for the human eye

Turning off the excess lights and switching to a natural light source will not only lower your company’s expense, but it’s also a great way to enhance your vision. According to a study, time spent in natural light can reduce the risks of nearsightedness. In fact, spending three hours in natural light daily can help stimulate dopamine- the growth hormone and also regulates eyeball growth.

Light from artificial sources can do serious damage to your vision. Your vision problems can increase by spending long hours in artificially lit environments. According to VisionAware, spending more than 5 hours in fluorescent lighting can lead to headaches and eye strain. Halogen lighting also produces a lot of heat. In fact, local governments consider them to be a fire hazard if used for extended periods of time.

No wonder, most of us feel low and unproductive after being cooped up in an office for long hours.

3- Better employee health and productivity

Companies invest thousands of dollars to create the perfect physical environment so that their employees can perform their best. A recent study from Harvard confirms the fact that workplace design can have a huge influence on our professional performance as well as overall mental well-being. Green technologies such as air purifiers and proper air filtration on HVAC systems can lead to a healthier workplace environment which keeps employees in top-notch health throughout the year.

An article in Forbes examined the relationship between the workplace environment and its occupants. It concluded that people working in green-certified offices showed a 26% boost in cognition and 30% fewer absences.

So, don’t underestimate the power of adopting green technologies in your workplace as it can boost employee health and overall productivity.

  1. Improved disaster recovery

Taking up green business methods can help your organization overcome even the most devastating of disasters. You can’t expect important documents like payroll, customer information and more to make it in case a natural disaster strikes.

This is why it is suggested to switch to Cloud-based business services. Not only will all your data be completely safe, but it will also be accessible from anywhere. Plus, using online cloud-based storage also helps in saving paper, hardware expenses and other maintenance wages.

5- Prevent electricity-related accidents

If you bring simple changes in your workplace and switch to greener solutions, such as using solar energy software– you can avoid any unforeseen accidents. Instead of plugging your phone in a power cable every few hours, try a solar charger that sticks on your window with the built-in suction cup. The solar panels in it can save about 10 hours’ worth of electricity that can be used to charge a small device.

With investments in renewable energy reaching a global high of $286 billion in 2016 and accounting for more than half of power generated in the whole world- you know that this is something to be taken seriously.

Think about your organization as a pillar of the community and play your part by adopting smart energy today. Turning over to green technology has its fair share of benefits, and it can contribute towards a safer workplace. Look for alternative solutions, and you’ll be surprised that almost anything can be done using eco-friendly technology and products.

How do you incorporate green technologies in your workplace? Have you witnessed a safer workplace environment after adopting eco-friendly solutions? Share your ideas with us in the comments below:

Author Bio:

Evie harrison is a blogger by choice.  She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences and express herself through her blogs.

Find her on Twitter:@iamevieharrison